Harvest Potluck Dinner & Basket Raffle
Harvest Potluck Dinner & Basket Raffle

(14 images)

On Sunday, Nov 10, 2024, our parish held its annual Harvest Potluck Dinner and Basket Raffle. Divine Liturgy was served in the morning. Following Liturgy, Fr. Vjekoslav did many years for all the Veterans of our community, thanking them for their service on behalf of the parish.

After the veneration of the Holy Cross the faithful and guests gathered in our parish hall for our Harvest Festival. It was a merry company, a lot of good food, great basket prices.

Our parish is very grateful to all of our parishioners for working hard, bringing food, donating baskets, and many more other labors which made this festival possible.

May God grant you many blessed years!

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